BALSAMIC. BALSAMIC. BALSAMIC. seriously, i'm obsessed. take the balsamic. slow boil. bit of sugar. i know i mentioned this in my last post, but hey you're leaving for italy this week..why wouldn't you want to hear non-stop talk about BALSAMIC?! eat it with tomatoes. strawberries. pears. and ohh thanks to caitlin's inspiration..with quinoa. eat balsamic with everything. it's better than chocolate.

week in review:
all ranting aside, this week has brought a series of culinary triumphs. the breakfast 'souffle' has been taken to another level. 1 tbs almond butter (or pb) + 1 tbs flax seed + 1 egg. microwaved for 1 min 30 sec in a ramekin = my typical breakfast of the last 4 years. but wait.. add a couple dollops of canned organic pumpkin into the mix and it's pumpkin pie for breakfast!! unreal. garnish with maple syrup and cinnamon, of course.
friday was a bit troubling. for the first time in 3 months, the boy and i enjoyed an entire day..just the two of us. we hit up 'secret beach' (it's actually called that, and, yes, it's actually secret). we strolled in the sunshine. enjoyed soy cappuccinos. picked up groceries. checked out the city panorama at sunset. the perfect day. on the beach we had a sardine salad tossed with a bit of sesame oil and celery. side of hard-boiled eggs. dinner was eggplant from the garden. shared chicken breast (wine reduction). everything was healthy and fresh, but what worried me was that i had no idea what i was putting in my mouth half the time. he could have pulled out a hamburger and i probably would have eaten it - i was that exhausted/delirious/happy. mindful eating, very important!
on saturday, i encountered the challenge of fitting in a double dose of AM bootcamp at the gym, taking in a street festival with friends visiting from montreal, and making the trek out to hamilton to visit the boy. everything was under control until i got hot and sweaty and exhausted and found myself in the best. chocolate. store. ever. seriously, they make the chocolate from raw cacao beans in a massive vat chillin right in the front of the store. so yea, i ate an entire bar of dark chocolate with ginger. bad. lack of moderation. next time, save half.
this brings me to my last point: i need to establish a repertoire of things i never leave the house without. this week really highlighted the urgency of this. thus far i have: lara bar, and book. im thinking several almonds as well? suggestions?
new challenges:
september is almost here! based on previous years, this is it - the make or break it month. the month that i always 'undo' all the progress i achieved on the mountain. this month, the challenge will be to maintain and advance. here's how i'm thinking it's going to happen:
- establishing days of the week for certain body part workouts (to avoid over-training/ gym overwhelmedness)
- really start to nail down what it means to have a 'clean week' (i'm thinking it's going to be next week..)
- come to terms with the reality of exercising only just a little some days when time is tight/energy is low (slashing that 'all or nothing mentality' - ie this sunday, it was accepting that just doing 40 mins of banish fat, boost metabolism at home was enough)
- more daily yoga with shiva rea!
- keep the calories matching the expenditure (carbs down doesn't hurt either)
current obsessions:
so you think you can dance canada, creating a balsamic dark chocolate truffle, lunch dates with random friendquaintances.